First of all, I want to thank everyone who already follows me on Twitter and Facebook. And the people who read this e-zine regularly, too, of course! I can’t tell you how much I really appreciate the support. It means the world to me. (I would give you all my first born, if I had one. Well, one for each of you.)
And now I’m happy to announce that I’ve finally acquiesced to the many requests for me to get on Instagram, as well. I still don’t know exactly what I’m doing, so I’m rolling it out very slowly. I sincerely hope that you will join me there; just please don’t judge yet. I know that site is all about photos, and I’m far from proficient in the art of photography. I can’t believe that so many people are! Some of the pictures on there are stunning!
So, my Instagram page is majorcelebrity. Or maybe it’s just Karen Salkin. (I really don’t know which is my moniker on there, since they’re both listed on my page.)
Either way, I hope that you will follow me on there. And if you don’t currently follow me on Facebook and Twitter, but want to, here are how those pages are listed:
Facebook: It’s Not About Me TV
Twitter: @MajorCelebrity
I don’t put just the links to my almost-daily columns on these social media sites. I usually tweet during awards shows, and comment on many, many sporting events, too. I also occasionally let you know about events I’ll be attending, in case you’d like to go to them, too.
I’m not sure what will be happening with me on Instagram yet, but I understand it has to be all visuals. So, expect to see lots of images of food from restaurants, and several of the many celebs I bump into around town. And, of course, my fingernails!
So, I’m optimistic that this will be a fun journey. I look forward to sharing it with all of you.
Great news! But I’m social media-challenged – how do I search for you on Instagram?
Just go on to Instagram, and put in my “handles” that I wrote in the column.
And thanks for the support!