THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, so I’m here to help if you’ve fallen a…
A SINGLE MAN I have a friend who practically begged me to take her to a screening of A Single…
UP IN THE AIR (and discussion with George Clooney after) [OMG! This is turning into a movie review site! (Really,…
IT’S COMPLICATED My feelings about It’s Complicated are, indeed, somewhat complicated. I consider Meryl Streep to be THE great actress…
YOUNG VICTORIA I finally saw a movie that I loved this season! The only problem was–it seemed soooo short! I…
HAPPY HOLIDAY! Just want to wish you all a very happy, healthy, and safe holiday. And here’s my gift to…
THIS IS IT I went through so many emotions at a recent screening of the amazing Michael Jackson documentary, This…
THE LOVELY BONES This should have really been titled The Piece Of Crap! Really, I’ve been trying to figure out…