The Coronation of King Charles will be upon us very soon, (perhaps even sooner than some of us expected, being that it’s in under five days,) so, as to not allow talk of the *creepy Sussexes to permeate the Coronation itself along with all the happy surrounding activities, I’m getting my latest diatribe against them out of the way right now. *[Note: Wherever in this article I describe that horrible Markle woman, just substitute any of these adjectives in front of her mention: wicked, fiendish, hellish, calculating, scheming, awful, disgusting, sinister, desperate, maniacal, and psychotic. Sadly, they all apply.]

In almost every picture I can find of the Markle woman standing behind or next to the Royals, she’s giving them the evil eye!
But first, one happy note: Early next week, to get you all as prepared as possible, so you don’t miss-out on the optimum way to enjoy this historic event, I’ll share some tips on how to watch the Coronation to make it the most fun for you. You won’t want to miss the festivities because this is most likely the only one many of us will ever see. [Note: King Charles is already seventy-four, so some of us, especially you young ‘uns, will probably also see the crowning of King William in about two decades from now.]
Now back to the Sussexes, and them always making everything about them. I still haven’t gotten over that those creeps made the last years of the late Queen’s life hell.

The late Queen, not looking happy with the couple. And the Markle woman trying to figure out how to get out a life where she’s not the Princess she thought she’d be.
As you may have heard, Harry is planning on going to the Coronation, but his creepy wife will not. Sadly for Harry, he’ll have to rush right back to California afterwards, for his son’s fourth birthday party. They could have easily postponed the kiddie party so that Harry could have stayed in England for the post-Coronation concert and all the fun surrounding his father’s big day. The kid is too young to know what the date is, of course! But this way, Markle controls Harry, and deprives him of any possibility of having fun with his brother, Kate, his cousins, niece, and nephews, and maybe even a few old pals. She’s so afraid that he might remember that he really wants to be a member of the Royal Family again, which would screw-up her plans to be a celebrity in America! (More developing info on that in a minute.) What an evil, evil woman.
There are two schools of thought in regard to the diabolical Markle woman not attending the Coronation. At first, I was happy that she’s staying away; that will make everyone, (except possibly Harry, of course,) more comfortable. I really do think it’s best for all concerned–actually, for all of England!
But then I realized that she’s actually doing it solely for herself! She doesn’t care, not even one little bit, about how her absence will affect her emotionally-weak husband. She knows that he always leans on her for support at all times, so he might especially need to hold her hand (both literally and figuratively) during what will surely be a stressful time for him. How unbelievably selfish of her to make him have to deal with all of that by his lonesome.
But it’s all about her. She knows that, by now, she’s basically reviled in England, even more so than in the rest of the world, (which either also at the very least dislikes her, and at others doesn’t care about her,) and she’s so scared of being jeered at the coronation, or worse yet, ignored! And she abhors being second to the beloved Kate, who’s going to be the next Queen of England, that she can’t bear to be in attendance at all! And this way, she gets one more dig at the Royals about the race stuff.
And, since it’s just been revealed that she signed with a top agent in LA, (which I can’t imagine why they would do that—no one is interested in seeing or hearing her!,) she’s probably happy her husband will be away for a few days, so she won’t have to make believe she cares about, or even likes, him for that time. (Did you see him go in for a small peck on the Jumbotron “Kiss Cam” at the Lakers game last week, and be rejected by that witch, on national television, with her smiling and laughing the whole time??? Repulsive.)
On top of all that, this will be Harry’s first time back with the fam since his rotten book, (in which he especially slammed Camilla, Kate, and his brother,) came out. So both of them will be more hated than ever!
By the way–I used to really like Harry. I always rooted for him and forgave all of his peccadillos, even including his uber-offensive Nazi costume! But now I can’t stand that milquetoast. He’s so mentally unstable about growing up as the “spare,” that he married someone who basically bulldozed him by making believe that she’s always there for him. The poor unwitting fool just has never been able to see that he has always been used as the route to fame for his wife. He’s always wanted to be loved for just himself, not as the back-up to William, and he thought this manipulating woman was doing just that.

This is not the couple laughing TOGETHER. It’s HER laughing as she recoiled from Harry as he leaned in for a quick kiss on the Kiss Cam at a recent Lakers game. Delightful of her. (The video shows the incident better, if you’re curious to look for it.)
Anyone with half a brain knows that he’s beyond-manipulated by his evil wife, the Markle woman. I don’t think I’ve ever had more disdain for someone I’ve never met. So far, she has gotten everything she’s wanted out of this relationship, namely fame and fortune.
But I’m sure that what she really wanted to be, (and thought she would be,) is a new Princess Diana, and be beloved and revered around the world. So that she’s hated so much by everyone, especially the British people, made her alter her course.
And man, can that woman pivot! And she figured the way to do that has been to smear the people she’s so envious of. Being able to play the race card has been such a bonus for her, to boot. (By the way, I don’t remember knowing she was even any part black until her mother showed-up for her wedding! And I’ve never once thought about it since then, except for the many times that she mentions it herself!)
She set-out to hook a man who could make her famous, and Prince Harry was the perfect patsy. He was vulnerable, a mess, and mentally and emotionally fragile. She knew exactly how to reel him in. And it was not even close to for love or a desire to help him heal from all his issues.
She thought because she was a Z-list actress, she could act the role of Princess. But when she saw that she would never—and I mean never—come even close to being Kate, she knew she had to come up with something else. Hence, Megxit.

And what Prince William was doing while his brother was being humiliated on the Jumbotorn–laying a wreath at the Australia Memorial in Hyde Park to pay tribute to soldiers who made the “ultimate sacrifice,” on Anzac Day.
I have a feeling that she’s the one who made Harry go against his family by writing a tell-all book. I’m sure she’s planning to do her own later on, but she figured she’d test the waters with one from him first. This way, she can gauge the reception to his, and compose accordingly.
So Harry does his book, attempting to skewer his family. The guy loathes his brother even more than my equally-jealous older sister does me, just for us existing. (So I’m more familiar with sibling rivalry than I wish I were. But in both William’s and my cases, it’s not us, it’s definitely them!) In his case, the only way William has “hurt” Harry is to be born first. It turns-out that Harry has always been sensitive about being labelled “The Spare,” but William isn’t the one who coined that term—it was the press and the public! “The Heir and The Spare” was a clever moniker for the bros.
But now it turns out that Harry has major psychological issues from the label. He’s gone so far as to aver that the reason he was born was in case William would ever need a kidney! If that were true, his parents would have had more children, because you can’t count on one being a match. They had him because that’s what couples do, especially if the mother is so young, and they can afford it—they have children!
And he, in specific, wasn’t born for anything—they simply had another child and it turned-out to be him! Period!
As much as he supposedly hates that label, he sure didn’t mind using it for his rotten tell-all, now, did he?
Since my blood is boiling just rehashing this topic, I must bring this tirade to a close. But first I must say that Harry is delusional if he thinks that any of the Windsors will be reconciling with him any time soon, no less apologizing to him, as he has been demanding they do! He did this to his family, not the other way around.
The monarchy has always been classy and, above everything, private. I have no doubt that they’ve had their issues, as every single family in the world has had. But it has always stayed amongst only themselves, which is the way it should be, with everyone, but especially royalty.
As a side note, on the eve of their wedding five years ago, I asked a young couple whom I met that night if they were planning to watch the wedding the next morning. The girl said no, explaining very matter-of-factly of Meghan, “She’s untrustworthy,” with the guy agreeing. They both said they couldn’t put their fingers on it, but that’s the feeling they were having. Many of us had that same inkling back then, including yours truly. I was really hoping I would be wrong about her, and that the Royal Family would just enjoy each other and live happily ever after. But it’s only gotten worse since then.
So the one good thing she’s ever done for anybody is to stay away from England during the Coronation.
Now let’s put this creepy couple behind us, and get on to baking scones and finding fascinators next week! I’ll happily discuss all of that for you on Monday.
I don’t think anyone has focused on several of the points you made about the Witch .
Clearly they made the last few years of the Queens life a nightmare. Harry is weak and pliable and unable to see what she is. She controls his every movement. If he thinks there is an apology coming, he really does need therapy, the only apology should come from Harry.
You are soooooooooooooooo correct about that evil woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She makes my skin crawl. What she did to that family is disgusting.
I hope this is okay to say, but I’m a 100% black woman, and I resent Meaghan Markel always playing the race card. She has always made sure she looks white, and then all of a sudden when she wants attention, she swears she’s one of us.
I understand if you don’t want to accept my comment. I just needed to get it off my chest.