I felt bad when I had to scrap today’s planned column, (because I was told that it’s too controversial,) but then I remembered something I did during the body of the pandemic, when there were no events to write about—I looked around to find-out if there were any special National or International Days coming up. In those days years, with nothing happening in the outside world, yet wanting to still entertain all of you, I checked those often to see if any of them reminded me of something fun to share with you.

The Pizza Cake, invented by none other than Karen Salkin! (The close-up of it is at the top of this page.) Photo by Jeanine Anderson.
And this time I really lucked-out because today is none other than International Pizza Cake Day. (Yes, I do realize that today is also some kind of Ode to Marijuana Day, but there’s enough written about it to render yet another article about it banal. However, you may feel the need to light up when you see all these pix of Pizza Cakes!)
And guess who invented the Pizza Cake? Yours truly! No fooling. I’ll tell you the circumstances in a minute, but first I have to say that when I first created it, I talked about it on my Los Angeles TV show, Karen’s Restaurant Revue. And then local people started copying me, which, of course, I’m happy about. I was an influencer before it was even such a thing!
And then it must have grown from there. (Or else some other great minds have thought like me from the get-go.) As I researched National Days last week, I could not believe that there’s actually a day for something I invented all those years ago! (And, as you can see, I have this pictorial proof.)
So, because we all need a tiny break from thinking about the world’s, and our own, problems for a tiny bit, I figured I’d tell you my tale about my creation of the Pizza Cake.
By the way, pizza cake is not to be confused with dessert pizza, which I did not invent, but love to eat! Or with actual pizzas being layered on top of each other to resemble a cake. (I had no idea this was such a complex topic when I began this article!!!)
Now here’s that fun story of my invention of Pizza Cake:
As you may know by now, Mr. X is not a fan of going out. Nor of birthday celebrations for himself. But, always wanting him to feel as special as he is, I threw him a few crazy, and under-appreciated, surprise festivities in our early years together.
So, not having learned my lesson, when his big day came around once again, I asked him what he wanted to do for it, and without skipping a beat, he answered, “Pizza party.” I said, “Really?” And he responded, “Limo pizza party.” And he thought that would shut me up, and we could do nothing to celebrate.
But I thought he was serious, so I orchestrated what I thought was one of the great celebrations. And, of course, it was another surprise one, which we still laugh about to this day! (He laughs that he may not cry.)
I hired a stretch limo for the night, filled it with tons of fun candy and drinks, and invited our three best friends to surprise him. I ordered pizzas from several places from Beverly Hills to Ventura, and even figured out the exact timing to get from one place to another, so the pizzas would be waiting for us, but still piping hot. (I still don’t know how I thought of all this!)
To break up the sameness of our multi-pizzas feast, I ordered a variety of ice cream shakes from a very famous soda fountain in town. And I ran into each place to pick-up the food, so Mr. X would never have to leave the limo. (After all, even though he meant the whole thing as a joke, the title he had chosen to begin with was “limo pizza party!”)
But the pièce de résistance was the birthday cake I came up with. That’s right—you guessed it—it was a…pizza cake!!! I wanted Mr. X to have a cake, of course, but at the same time, I wanted to continue the “pizza party” theme. So I went to my favorite bakery at the time,* The Butterfly Bakery, and asked the owner, the fabulous Liz Brooks, if she could make a cake to look like a large pizza. *[Note: The Butterfly would still be my fave today, but it closed shortly before Liz passed away several years ago.]
I suggested a flat, round carrot cake, with the cream cheese frosting made to look like the melted cheese, and a lot of shredded carrots mixed in to mimic the look of the sauce coming through the cheese. And then Liz went one step further, and sliced dark, fat strawberries more thinly than I’ve ever seen done, before or since, as slices of pepperoni.
And then I went to a local pizzeria and begged them for an empty box. That was the most brilliant move.
Between coming out of an official pizza box and the “pepperoni,” it was so realistic-looking, in fact, that, at first sight, our vegetarian friend said she couldn’t eat it! So it was extra special when I revealed that it was not yet one more pizza, (just when we could not eat another bite of one, by the way,) but a carrot cake! They were all amazed. Even Mr. X was, although he was also relieved that it was not one more real pizza. And that one item closed-out the evening perfectly.

Karen Salkin and her Pizza Cake, with cameos by Mr. X and Clarence, the Singing Dog. Photo by Peter Meahan.
So there you have it from the horse’s mouth—the actual invention of something we nationally celebrate today—the Pizza Cake!

Karen Salkin asleep in the limo on the way home with Clarence, rocking her pizza earrings. (which are the raison d’etre for showing you this pic!) Photo by Jeanine Anderson.
If you want to try it out, but have no time to bake today, just either make a dessert one, (pix above,) or order a trio of the savory pies, (as we Brooklynites refer to pizza,) and put them together to look like a cake.
But keep the carrot cake idea in your back pocket for a similar occasion. I’m always happy to share my ideas. And this is one of the good ones!
Happy International Pizza Cake Day!
1 Comment
Oh my goodness–that’s brilliant! I’m going to do that for my NBA Fianls party! Thanks for the idea. (And cute story.)