For Valentine’s Day, I usually either give you guys sage advice for today, or use this space as an open love letter to Mr. X, or suggest things for you to do to celebrate this coming Sunday’s occasion. And, those previous Valentine’s Day columns have been pretty good, if I do say so myself. (You can always check my archives for them, if you’re interested, by either putting the words into one of the two “Search” boxes on the front page, or clicking on all the past “Februarys on the right side of any page.)

j21As I’ve mentioned before, Mr. X and I rarely do anything on the actual day or night of February 14th. We don’t need to—we’re romantic every day!

But even if we wanted to this year, I’m pretty sure that I’ll be too tired to go out with him that night. That’s because I’ll be spending the day at GBK’s Gifting Suite for the Grammys! If it’s even close to as fun as it was last year, I’m in for a really exciting, (and exhausting) day!

Speaking of gifts, I didn’t have time to gather a group of potential Valentine’s gifts for you this year. But, in case you’re in need of some some last-minute suggestions, I’m including the link to my recent Holiday Gift Guide, (in case you missed it the first time around.) The items in it are perfect for Valentine’s Day gifts, as well. (The two shows in there are no longer applicable, of course, but tickets to something are always a good idea.) Here ’tis:

And let me be the first to wish all of you, my supportive loves, a super Happy Valentine’s Day!


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