I think I exhausted all my creative juices writing yesterday’s column, about all my highlights of this past year. (If you missed it, God forbid, you can still read it here: itsnotaboutme.tv/news/miscellaneous-highlights-of-2014.)
So today, I’m just hoping that you take some time to think over your own 2014 highlights. Trust me on this; it’s a really good, and fun, exercise in gratefulness. I think that most of us concentrate on what just happened to us recently, usually within a couple of weeks. So forcing yourself to look back over the entire past twelve months will, hopefully, remind you of some of the good times you’ve had. I think, especially at this time of year, realizing how not-awful your life really is will give you hope for the new year.
And I’m adding my wish for happiness for all of you, as well. Outside of Mr. X and my friends, (in all parts of the world,) nobody means more to me than the loyal readers of ItsNotAboutMe.TV. And I really appreciate that, all year long.
I’m hoping that you all a very happy, and especially safe, New Year’s Eve. And no worries—I won’t be writing here again until next year!
Happy New Year!