[Note: this column was already written and in place before the east coast hurricane happened. It may seem frivolous in the light of that recent horrific event, but please know that I’m aware of that fact. As everyone else is, I’m trying to make life go on. It did give me a chill just now, though, when I saw what I had already written about being in New York today, which you’ll read below. I was supposed to be there now, which is even more chilling, but, by my some miracle, I had already put off my reservation until next week! Wow.]
It’s always a little disappointing for us Halloween lovers to have it fall in the middle of the week. That’s the worst day for it. Maybe because of that, there seem to have been festivities for it all month, rather than on just one week-end. No one seems to really know when it is!
I’ve been confused and behind all month. I forgot to even polish my nails orange and black until a week ago! Shame on me.
I was actually a tad disappointed that I wasn’t in New York for it this year, and then I remembered that, on all my previous ones there, (which have been many over the years,) I was just about the only one walking around Manhattan in Halloween garb! And on one that I spent in Brooklyn, I drove around that borough searching for any sign of it, feeling like Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin that never shows-up!
So, here I am, spending this fun day in L.A., hoping that I will find some fun pals to do some fun activities. But I’m not holding my breath on that one; without the twin I always wanted, there are no other fun people! I am due to volunteer at a party for the children of downtown, as I have for the past few years, and giving is always the best feeling to me, so that should be a good way to spend Halloween. Maybe I’ll see you out there. (I’ll be dressed as a pizza and making cotton candy for the crowd!)
Last year, I told you guys about the very first memorable Halloween, when I was five. It’s a classic story, and explains a lot about a certain philosophy of mine. If you didn’t read it then, or would like to see it again, just click on this link: www.itsnotaboutme.tv/news/2011/10/31/holiday-happy-halloween