[Note: Because the Golden Globes were just a few days before my birthday, which I needed strength for, I made time for only three suites honoring them. But they were the most worthwhile ones. My Contributing Writer on this one is Lyndsey. Her comments are the ones attributed to her by name, and also the ones in quotes.]
This GBK suite, that was held on the rooftop of the classy L’Ermitage Hotel in Beverly Hills, was beautiful once again. And, of course, I loved that they had lovely refreshments, catered by the hotel, right as we walked in. It was just what we needed to get us through our time there: mini burgers, a cheese and fruit platter, and an ever-changing array of mini sweets, each one better than the one before.
GBK also had the perfect number of gifts and celebrities! I’ll tell you of the latter in this month’s Celeb Sightings column, but here are our highlights of the very many gifts:
Pilot Pen—This title sponsor, who had a beautiful set-up with big easy-chairs and a mannequin wearing a twenty-three pound dress made partly of their pens!, was gifting an assortment of their fabulous “writing instruments.” Out of all the gifts I’ve received through the years, (and that includes vacuum cleaners, game tables, and big ones like those,) this set of eight erasable colored pens is my all-time absolute fave!!! (Not even the erasable part because I, the great writer, Karen Salkin, don’t make mistakes!!!) (Yeah, right. But a journo can dream, can’t she?) Lyndsey loved that the “lightweight gel rollers” are “fun and easy to use,” while my mouth drooled over the colors. And you thought I was high maintenance, didn’t you?!
EmergencyLink—Because of its life-saving potential, this emergency ID network was the best sponsor to me, and you can all do it, too. Please check-out their website, because they explain it much better than I do. Not only can the sticker you get to put on your drivers license give out your emergency information should you find yourself in peril, I’m almost ashamed to tell you guys the double use it has for us actresses. (But I’m going to over-share, anyway. As opposed to everything else I write, just don’t tell anyone you read it here.) I just got my drivers license renewed on my January 14th birthday, so gone is my old donor sticker, which I conveniently had over my date of birth!!! It doesn’t work like that anymore, so this new Emergencylink sticker is going in the same place, (as opposed to on the back, where it really belongs.) With us having to show our licenses everywhere we go nowadays, a show business gal can’t be too careful. Feel free to copy me when you sign-up for yours. (And they kindly donated one hundred dollars to the American Red Cross for each new celebrity member they met at the suite.) www.emergency
Coordinates Collection Bracelets—These are a novel idea; you order the bracelets, that come in a variety of finishes, like rose gold, with the coordinates of something that’s important to you, like where you got engaged or grew-up, (which might be both if you’re a guy—getting engaged makes you grow up!) Lyndsey liked that they’re “lightweight, simple, elegant-looking, timeless pieces.” Ever the romantic, I think they’re a novel, perfect gift for Valentine’s Day! And the rep was cute with the same tiger-color eyes as Lynds, so that booth was a win-win-win.
Bulgarini Gelato—This was every gelato lovers dream! Not only did all the guests get to sample several flavors of this popular local gelato on-site, in the perfect bite-size pieces, but VIPs left with generous gift certificates for A) a large quantity of the deliciousness from their choice of two close-by locations, and B) one for a party of gelato and wine or beer pairings! There’s not much else you could ask for from a gelato company!
Rolf Bleu—I can’t believe that so many fun, colorful accessories come from the mind of just one woman! A beautiful one, at that! Lyndsey, my hipster expert, loved the “very lightweight beanie collection” with “big and bright logos,” and declared them to be “very, very trendy!” I, being ever hopeful that my hands will be bracelet-ready very soon, had eyes for only designer Caryn Sterling’s bracelets, which come in so many different models that it blows my mind!
The Artisan Group—This group of artists always gifts a potpourri of little presents. (I wonder if potpourri itself is ever one of them!) You never know what you’re going to receive, so opening one of their stuffed bags is like getting a bunch of birthday presents in one fell swoop! (I guess I have birthdays on the mind since mine was just two days ago!) It’s all handcrafted items that range from artwork and jewelry to soaps and photography! My favorite one this time was a sparkly Titanium Druzy Rock Necklace from Vitrine designer Candice D’Mello, though I truly admired everything I saw there, especially their new nail polishes!
Blow Hookah–These portable hookahs were right up Lyndsey’s alley! They were gifting gold ones in honor of the Golden Globes, (duh,) but we were more interested in the skinny pink ones that “look like pink pens!” Lynds tried the pink lemonade flavor, and was happy to find that it was “pure and tasty, and doesn’t leave a bad taste in your mouth like most hookahs do!” I knew she’d be the expert on this one! We both can’t wait to see the giant, lit-up ones at the clubs we frequent, (though she more than me nowadays.)
Burke Williams Spa—I was happy to see that this popular day spa that I’ve written about before has branched-out into cosmetics. They were gifting lip glosses that Lyndsey said were “lightweight, sparkly, not sticky, and perfect for any date night!” I think they’re perfect for making-out with your own beau! An added bonus for broken-backed me was a mini chair massage from Tammi Rocha, who confirmed for me just how much in need of a two-hour massage I am!
Tweezerman–I’ve long been a fan of Tweezerman brow-shaping products, which make me feel like a pro at home. But I was thrilled to have their real brow tech, Vanessa Terrell, whip mine into shape at the suite, in just a few minutes! It didn’t hurt that she was using their new colorful mini-tweezers that my mouth, (and brows,) were watering for, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they gift those babies next time.
Sleep-In Rollers–You know the saying “Everything old is new again?” Well, that’s the case with these fabulous hair rollers from England, where most hip things begin. Their modern take on this trend right out of the ’60 is that they’re soft enough to sleep in! That’s because they’re designed to flatten like sponges on your head. Now all we need is iconic British model Jean Shrimpton to model them, and we’ll be all set!
Bread Basket Cake Company—Once again, these chocolatiers designed the beautiful cake celebrating GBK and the Golden Globes. Guests were treated to a tasting of some of their most popular truffle flavors, and they were all exclaiming about the ones filled with tequila! Lyndsey said, “Now, that’s the way to have tequila!”
Saas Hot Sauce—Wimpy I didn’t try these hot sauces, but brave Lyndsey did, and she said that the Original Flavor was “along the lines of a mild hot sauce,” but of the Onion & Garlic Flavor, she declared, “Ring the alarm! It has major kick to it! And is full of flavor.” She suggested it’s “perfect for any meal that requires a spicy twist to it.”