I can’t believe that it’s actually Valentine’s Day again! And this year, I have nothing new to say about it.

I was just looking at some of this e-zine’s previous Valentine’s Day columns, and the one from two years ago, when I had just lost my mother, really resonated with me. It was mainly about how wonderful Mr. X is, and I was lauding him especially for how much he had helped me out during the extra-hard two years we had just endured.

91ec41caa2aa05227ba6c3a867a34ed5So here it is, two years later, and we’ve been going through different kinds of hard times again for the past three quarters of a year. In addition to my painful hands and subsequent surgeries on them, I’m dealing with a particularly stressful situation in regards to my Brooklyn abode. Then when I just read about how great Mr. X was to me back then, I realized that he’s been even better to me through all of the recent struggles than ever before. You have no idea what that guy went through with my hand situations!

I know I’m not going to do better with giving him props than I did in 2012, so here is the link to that one, in case you have time to read it today:

And let’s face it, isn’t Valentine’s Day about celebrating your loved ones? So, please bear with me for thanking Mr. X once again.

If reading about someone else’s boyfriend being so fabulous is not what you wanted to do on this special day, (or ever!,) you might want to re-read this other one, from the year before, where I give sage advice about how this holiday is just one day, and there’s nothing to feel sad about if you’re alone: Just skip past the first two paragraphs.

So, we know I love Mr. X, and there are a few friends I really love, as well, (even though most of them live in places other than Los Angeles, or even the United States!,) but just as importantly, I really do love all of you! When singers just cavalierly state that they love their fans, I totally get it; anyone who supports those of us in the public arena are worthy of our love and gratitude.

So to all my readers today, I wish you a Super Happy Valentine’s Day!


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