MY 2,222TH COLUMN!!!
Exactly three months ago to the day, I celebrated my 2,200th column in this e-zine. At the time, I suggested that I may also celebrate this semi-milestone, because I love numbers made up of multiples of just a single number. So here I am.

Do you get what’s strange about this image? Clocks go up to only 12! There is no “22,” except maybe on a special military clock.
But at the end of that previous column, I’d said we’d all find-out if I did just that in the next…month or so! Yet, here we finally are, three months later! So those twenty-two extra columns took three times as long as expected. Wow.
That’s due to mainly two factors: One is that the pandemic flared-up again big-time, so I’ve been back stuck in the house for those three months, which means there hasn’t been much to report on. The other very big factor is that…the recent Winter Olympics were on for two and a half weeks! Which means no writing from me during that time.
But the good news now is that the pandemic seems to finally have gotten somewhat in hand, so I’m very cautiously going out again. (Still masked-up, of course; I’m no dummy!) So that means, with my very next column, I’m going to start reporting on the outside world again!!! What better way to celebrate a multiple number like 2,222 than that?!
As to the actual number 2,222, it’s an Angel Number! I’m sure that’s part of why I was drawn to it to begin with. For those who aren’t into such things, Angel Numbers are number sequences that contain repetition of one digit, such as 1111 or this one we’re celebrating today—2222. They can also be pattern numbers, such as 567 or 9393.
So, in case you’re interested, here’s the lowdown on 2222: It represents harmony and serenity, both of which the world needs right now, in spades. What I’ve found is “the angels are trying to tell you that you must achieve some sort of equilibrium in your life. Angel number 2222 is a warning to slow down and take some time for yourself if you’ve been feeling rushed lately.”
The funny thing about that is that I feel rushed only…to slow down! How crazy is that?!
So let’s all take a moment to breathe, and I’ll meet you back here in a day or two with a brand new review of a show out in the world!
Happy 2,222 to me!