I doubt that I’m celebrating St Patty’s Day this year, unless some college basketball players who are playing in the NCAA basketball tournament today are Irish. [Notre Dame is playing tomorrow. So, it’s a shame the Fighting Irish cannot really go crazy with their own holiday today.]

This is how you throw an impromptu St. Pat's afternoon tea!  I did it for my mother and my friend Carol at my mom's house in Brooklyn in 2009. And yes--I DID have those plates and tablecloth already on hand!  Photo by Karen Salkin.

This is how you throw an impromptu St. Pat’s afternoon tea! I did it for my mother and my friend Carol at my mom’s house in Brooklyn in 2009. And yes–I DID have those plates and tablecloth already on hand! Photo by Karen Salkin.

Yes, this year St. Pat’s coincides with the first full day of March Madness, which I usually watch every second of. So, it would seem like a hard choice, on the surface, (watch basketball or go out and party on what I consider to be a fun “dress-up” holiday,) but in actuality, it is not. Sadly, in Los Angeles, few celebrate this potentially lively day. [Note: Newsweek even published an article this week highlighting ways that people around this country, and the world, celebrate today, and there was not a mention of Los Angeles! I told you—we are no fun!] (But to read about of my excellent past celebrations of it, mainly in New York, here’s the link to those stories:

So, this year, I really can’t suggest anything truly entertaining to do for this occasion. But, I can impart some Irish wisdom, so that you can stay “safe,” and perhaps dazzle you pals.

1) Wear green today! Even if it’s just a tiny bit, like nail polish. As long as it’s a shade that is discernible as green. Nothing too obscure. (And turquoise does not count.) Anyone who is not rocking that hue today is open to getting pinched. And deserves that stinger, for not sticking to the protocol!

Not my usual fabulous design, and perhaps not as neat a job as I would have liked, but at  least I'm covered for my green today! Photo by Karen Salkin's left hand!

Not my usual fabulous design, and perhaps not as neat a job as I would have liked, but at least I’m covered for my green today! Photo by Karen Salkin’s left hand!

2) That above one brings me to what I do today, even if I’m staying in. My big tip o’ the cap to St. Patty’s Day always is to do my nails in different shades of green. It’s a lot of work, but it makes me feels like I did something for the occasion!

3) On this day, we in the know wish each other (or anyone who will listen,) “Erin go bragh.” Even uber-literate I forget what it means sometimes! So, I’m here to give you the English translation, (in case you’re too lazy to look it up for yourselves.) It simply means “Ireland Forever.” So, you’re not being disrespectful to your own heritage to say it.

4) Today is really to commemorate the day that St. Patrick died, not anything about his life. But one of the things he’s most known for is his efforts against the druids, which wound-up becoming a story saying that he drove the “snakes” out of Ireland. (Ireland really never had any of the reptiles; they were just a literary stand-in for the druids.) Make sure that if you’re a chick at a club tonight, you do the same!!! (Drive the snakes out!)

5) Here’s an Irish Blessing I chose for you, today and always:

A Wish for a Friend

Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!

6) And lastly, if you are celebrating today, be smart, and above all, safe!

I wish all my readers, both Irish and non, a wonderful, fun, safe, non-drunk Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Erin Go Bragh!



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