Just when people around the world are praying that this year is finally over, the people of my ethnic persuasion are getting our wish! Sort-of. Rosh Hashanah is basically Jewish New Year, so for us, we can move on to a new year tomorrow. Yay, us!

72320523_10157441951025782_7765576788457029632_nSince Rosh Hashanah is a happy occasion, (as opposed to next week’s solemn day of atonement, Yom Kippur,) I figure this is the perfect time to tell you the story of my funniest Jewish holiday ever, which happened on a sukkoth. (Sukkoth comes shortly after Yom Kippur, so my tale is time-appropriate right now.)

But it’s too detailed to write, (it’s not even going to make it into the book I’ve been working on during isolation,) so I just shot a new video about it. Here’s the link:

And here’s a clue of who it involves—the mother of…Steven Spielberg! (Maybe someone can get it to him and he can produce a movie about it.)

I think you’ll enjoy it. At least I hope you will.

An example of a delish rosh hashanah dinner.

An example of a delish rosh hashanah dinner.

In the meantime, I’m not taking any chances on Rosh Hashanah’s new beginning coming through for us without any personal help; I’m doing all the things we’re supposed to do at this time of year. For example, we eat apples dipped in honey for a “sweet” new year. And eating carrots represents a victory over the negative ill will of others. (So we need to eat a boatload of those little crunchers this year!) Done and done. My groceries are at the ready!

Normally, I would attend temple tonight, as well, to pay tribute to my heritage. I would do so especially this year to pray to stop the recent spate of public anti-semitism; that particular hatred is always with us, but, because of Orange Hitler, who is inexplicably in power right now, it seems to be more prevalent than ever in this country. He has empowered white supremacists and other anti-semites to spew their evil at will.

But this year, no in-person temple for me.  Nor for anyone, I hope; all High Holy Days services will be virtual, I believe. I want everyone to be safe while worshipping. And doing everything, actually.

14517400_1075619685886228_1060973784018649528_nSo to all my Jewish readers, I wish you a wonderful, delicious, peaceful, healthy and safe New Year. And to the INAM fans of other ethnicities, please join us in saying a pray for a better world really soon. (I’ll get to you guys on Christmas.)

And please don’t forget to watch that new vid of mine. I think it will take your mind off all the sadness right now, for a few minutes anyway. It’s a crazy tale! Here’s the link again:

Happy Rosh Hashanah!


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