First of all, Happy 2024, everyone! I hope it really is a wonderful one for you and for the world! (And for me, too, of course. Duh.)
While I was sitting here trying to think of what new wisdom to impart to you for the new year, I was also talking to Mr. X about what characteristic in people is the most important to me.
So the concept for this first article of 2024 came to me in a flash–let’s all begin the new year with kindness. And then keep it up for the next twelve months. And beyond. Once you make kindness a habit, it will become easier for you.
I’ve never really believed in New Year’s resolutions; they’re usually made to just give our minds something positive to think about to help us put the previous year in the rearview mirror.
But then people seem to forget them pretty quickly. But if we practice kindness from the start, I really think it will rewire our brains a bit to always include it in our everyday lives.
Just begin by being thoughtful to, and considerate of, your fellow man. And woman. In even the smallest of ways. Here’s one small example of what I’m talking about, in a round-about way: I was watching the lead-in show to Ja Morant’s return to the NBA on TNT recently, and as much as I adore Charles Barkley, I was appalled that he came to work sick as a dog. Right before Christmas! That means that he could have very possibly gotten his cast-mates and the crew sick for the big holidays. Even Kenny Smith, who sits right next to him on the panel, was begging him to go home! (The producers finally did send him off.)
So, please don’t do anything like that—consider your fellow peeps from the get-go! People think that they’re being so righteous when they show up for their commitments despite being under the weather. But in reality, they’re being very selfish.
Please remember that. It seems that people feel that if they don’t have Covid, then pneumonia, the flu, bronchitis, and just plain old-fashioned colds don’t count. Trust me—nobody wants to get any of those!
Hence, that is what I’m talking about—be considerate. Just staying away from others when you’re sick is a tiny act of kindness, whether it’s realized or not.
And here’s something to do that’s kind to yourself, as well as to others. If you have the time, why not call a not-usual friend? They just might need a bit of cheering-up at any time. When I received some of my most recent Facebook “memories,” I got a jolt of happiness every time I saw a not-usual name on there. So I realized that talking to one of them will make me feel even better.
Therefore, I suggest that we all try talking to someone out of the ordinary soon. It will, hopefully, be a boost for both parties.

Did you notice that these numbers are actually candles? That just might be a hint to my upcoming January 14th b-day!
On a funny side note about that topic, when I was co-hosting a radio show back in the day, the producers decided that we should have people call in for us to connect them with an old pal they wanted to ambush surprise with a phone call. To get the ball rolling, they had me do it on-air to someone. I chose an old boyfriend of mine from high school, with whom I had always stayed in touch, but had not talked to in a year or so. His bit of embarrassed surprise, (because we were re-connecting so publicly,) still makes me laugh today.
Speaking of mirth, that’s what I wish for all of us in this coming year.
I also wish you all the happiest, healthiest, and safest year ever! Happy 2024!
And remember—only a dozen more days to my January 14th b-day!