HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022-2023!

New Year’s Eve is tomorrow night, but since I don’t publish on week-ends, I’m wishing everyone a very happy and safe one now.

I only wish I could attend a NYE soiree as fun as this one!

I only wish I could attend a NYE soiree as fun as this one!

As this year ends, what better time for us all to reflect on our personal highlights of this past year?  Despite the facts that, horrifically, Covid is still going strong, and lawlessness abounds everywhere, I’m hoping that all of you had at least a few good moments in 2022. Remembering times and situations to be grateful for is good for our souls, and really fun, as well.

Being pretty superstitious, there are a couple of rituals I do every New Year’s Day. (One of them Mr. X and I do every month!) And, since I always wish good luck to all the good people of the world, I’m sharing my insanities practices with you once again, as I have done for the many years of this e-zine’s existence.

This first one involves a specific wish, and has to be done tomorrow night and the following morning. On the last night of each month, (which includes tomorrow night, of course,) when you get into bed, think of the one wish you most want to come true, and keep it in your mind as you drift-off to sleep. In the morning, (which is day one of the new month; in tomorrow’s case, the new year, making it the most important wish for a while,) the first thing you must say is “Rabbit.”

Next, for general monthly good luck, right after you say that first “Rabbit,” (on Sunday, in this case,) kind-of pop-off the end of the bed, (I just scootch down to the end with my butt and gently propel myself off,) while saying “Rabbit” three times.

Remember to do my good luck rituals.

Remember to do my good luck rituals.

And then the special New Year’s Day trick is to eat black-eyed peas any time that day. They can be canned, frozen, fresh, whatever. You can eat as many or as few as you like, whether hot or cold. I just heat them up in the microwave for a minute, sprinkle on some seasoned salt, and choke-down about half a cup of those suckers. It’s once a year–if I can stand it, you surely can.

Besides all that, just have fun this entire week-end. End 2022 on the most positive of notes, and then kick-off 2023 by doing something fun, constructive, or just plain old relaxing before the usual grind begins anew on Monday. And start thinking of how to celebrate the birth of yours truly on the 14th! Just sayin’.

Happy-New-YearAnd if you’re staying in tonight for safety’s sake, or just to recharge, or you just don’t enjoy seeing drunk people, and you’re bored and wanting something to do other than watching all those same old-same old New Year’s Eve TV shows, why not read some of my past articles that you may have missed through this year? (Or all the years!) You can either look through my archives (which are to the left of the front page) by date, or use one of the Search boxes on the right for something specific, or just check-out the categories you’re interested in, the list of which is near the top of the Home page, right under that artist’s rendering of me in my younger days.

And, not to bring the room down, but please join me in sparing some thoughts for those who are having hard times. There are way too many of them. But everything will seem easier once the new year begins, so I pray everyone realizes that, and can come through as well as possible.

I’m adding my wish for happiness for all of you, as well. Outside of Mr. X and my good friends, (in all parts of the world,) nobody means more to me than the loyal readers of ItsNotAboutMe.TV. And I really appreciate that, all year long.

How beautiful is this?!

How beautiful is this?!

I’m wishing you all a very happy, and especially safe, (in every way,) New Year’s Eve and Day. Let’s meet here again next year. (That’s my usual dumb joke meaning “on Monday,” which is actually “next year” because it will be January 2, 2023 then! And just a dozen days before my birthday! Yikes!)

And that is a wrap for 2022!!! Whew. Happy New Year, everyone!



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