I was so happy that the fabulous Red Carpet Events LA Style Lounge gifting suite returned to the beautiful indoor/outdoor space on the second floor of the W Hotel in Westwood this year! It’s practically right down the block from me, and I’m always comfortable there.
Grammys suites always have a happening vibe to them because all the celebs are musicians who are famous in their own genres. I rode up in the elevator with a guy from Grammy-winning gospel sextet, Take 6, and didn’t even know it! And he was darling to me.
Because of the music aspect, some of the guests just spontaneously broke-out into song every now and then! And one of the guys was teaching the little boy from Black-ish, Miles Brown, a new dance, even though he was probably the best dancer there and could have taught us all a step or two!
There were also fun sponsors, of course, so let’s just get to the highlights:
Joy and Mario Footwear—I think by now everyone knows this is my favorite shoe brand, (which I discovered at a previous Red Carpet Events LA suite!,) so I was thrilled to see them at the suite showing all their new styles. They didn’t even make fun of me when I was interested in some shoes that were really for men! I’m thrilled to have found such attractive flats since my broken back makes it impossible for me to wear heels anymore. So, knowing I can still look cute in these flats has been cheering me up for the past year.
Geek Eyewear—I’ve been a glasses lover since I was twelve—when I was a geek! (I actually thought I was hip, but an old school buddy just told her daughter that, back then, I was “a brain—a fat, nerdy, little brain!” But at least I was a popular one!) So, I love all the frames from the company whose name I also love! This table was swarming with fashionistas who want to look like I did back then! (And, actually, still do!)
Teeny Wingkini—This is the most fun swimwear I’ve ever seen for little girls! It’s just adorbs! It’s a one-piece suite…with matching wings! (But moms should be aware that they’re not water wings; they’re just for show.) I wish I was still a kid because their colors and designs are exactly what I still love. So, looking at the little girls modeling them, and knowing they don’t make grown-up sizes, made me feel like Wendy at the end of Peter Pan!
Jonathan Product—This haircare line, that’s completely new to me, looks so pro. They have products that I never even knew existed! Their texturizing tricks can help the rest of us have hair styles like models do. I may even stop flat-ironing!
Karen’s Skincare—This perfectly-named company (from one Karen to another) was gifting their best-selling time-released skin whitener. If only Michael Jackson had known about it!
Arganesse Hair Treatment–I think by now we all know how vain I am about my hair, so anything that can make it look even better is welcome. This company was gifting their only product, (which means they’re expert at it,) a leave-in treatment. Can’t wait to try it out.
Java Skin Care—This skincare company is from Rhode Island, my third favorite state! So I was drawn right over to their table. It turns-out the products are all made with green coffee, hence the moniker. I never heard of anything like this before, so I did some research. Their entire line is formulated specifically for the body, not the face, and is touted to lessen cellulite! So, as much as I hate the taste of coffee, it may now be my new favorite ingredient! You know how they say that what you put in your body winds-up on your thighs? Well, this time it will! But in a good way!
Appethyl—This is an all-natural appetite suppressing powder, made from spinach. It comes in individual packets, so you can never take too much or too little. I can’t wait to try it out, and get back to looking like my old skinny self!
Nuwati Herbals—I got to this company just in time! Their Healer Tea helps ward off colds, even just smelling it. I’m not kidding. I’ve been a believer for several years now. And it helped me get through this Grammys Week-end unscathed.
Halfbreed Clothing—This time, they were working in tandem with a company that helps you figure out your lineage, so they were gifting specific knit skull caps and tee shirts, instead of their colorful ones, like my favorite blue one I have from them. But their interesting message, about many of us being of mixed heritage, is still the same.
Artizan—Jewelry designer Robin Barre was gifting her very varied assortment of affordable necklaces. I would never have suspected that all these different designs came from the mind of just one woman!
SweetNorthBabe—These cute colorful bags and accessories are hand-made in Germany. They made their display look so cute, like the hand-wraps were cupcakes! As much as I love sweets, I like a treat that lasts longer better, so discovering these purselets, etc. was a fun surprise.
Victoria Duke—This company was gifting a make-up setting spray. It was repped by beautiful girls with perfect-looking make-up, so it must work! (Just on their make-up; their beauty is their own.)
On top of all that, as the VIP guests left, they also received a giant gift bag stuffed with other items, including skin care, towels, pet toys, cosmetics, and novelty items. With all that, no wonder everyone was taking the elevator down from just the second floor!
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