On one of the very few days in over a month with no NBA play-off games last week-end, my friend Laura and I trekked out to Malibu for this event. It was a fun break from work, sports-watching, child-rearing (on her part,) and the rest of life’s responsibilities.

Photo by Karen Salkin.

Photo by Karen Salkin, as is the one at the top of this page.

Slow Beauty Saturday was held at a place that was new to us, Rafi Lounge, which is an all-outdoor space overlooking the ocean. We love discovering new places, so that was fun for us. And I was happy it’s not on the beach side of the highway because I wasn’t in the mood for sand between my toes that day.

Females made up about ninety-nine percent of the attendees, and I must say that it was the best-looking crowd I’ve seen in a while. And everyone was dressed appropriately for the occasion, so I loved being among them. All of us were differently-attired, but the outfits were all hip and chic. I love a crowd who cares about their looks.

The Art Therapy table. Photo by Karen Salkin.

The Art Therapy table. Photo by Karen Salkin.

The event featured two complimentary activities. One was a table where you could make a collage, which was actually my forte in art classes beginning in ninth grade, so I would have definitely done one if we had had more time that day. (I used to make collages of the highlights of each month just a few years ago. Then I realized I needed to spend less time on documenting my life and more time just living it. But they were things of beauty, if I do say so myself. They were combos of pix, tix, programs, and other assorted paper souvenirs from each month.) I’m sure the girls who made theirs at Slow Beauty Sunday loved doing so because not-judged artwork is always good for the soul.

The other activity was a different take on fortune-telling. It was lip-readings from the Official Lipstick Reader. Neither of us had ever come upon any company like this before, so we loved having our lips read. (And red!)

Karen Salkin's "lip card." Photo by Karen Salkin.

Karen Salkin’s “lip card.” Photo by Karen Salkin.

Our “reader” was Lesya. She presented us of each with a choice of tiny lipsticks, (all new, of course, which we then kept—they’re perfect for night purses, in both uses of that word,) which we applied on the spot, and then kissed a card in two places. She read our present and future from that. She told me I was known as being spunky, to which I proved my spunk by saying, “Tell me something I don’t know!” Thank goodness she laughed.

And then we moved on to a set of tarot cards, of sorts, but which are all about kissing and such. We really appreciated that Lesya took so much time with each participator.

The gift bags for the VIPs. Photo by Karen Salkin.

The gift bags for the VIPs. Photo by Karen Salkin.

The VIPs left with a full-sized hemp face oil from Kana Skincare, who was the main sponsor of Slow Beauty Saturday. And they did something that went along with how attractive the whole event was. They put each box of the oil in a little burlap gift bag and adorned it with two tulips and a bunch of pink baby’s breath. I always appreciate pretty little touches like that.


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