I suggest that all my fellow SoCal professional foodies join me at this upcoming fabulous function! The Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo begins this Sunday, August 25, and goes through Tuesday. It’s one of my favorite events all year! [Note: It’s not open to the public. But if you’re friendly with a restaurant owner or manager, maybe you can ask to tag along, and help them.]

Just part of the convention floor! Photo by Karen Salkin.

Just part of the convention floor! Photo by Karen Salkin.

The Expo showcases all sorts of items and services that go into the making of a restaurant. And it’s not just one show—included are two others, located adjacent to the main one. There’s the Healthy Food Expo West, (the title of which needs to be corrected to “Healthful Food.” Many people do accept the two words as synonyms these days, but the more literate among us are aware that “healthful” denotes an entity that will create good health, such as fruits and vegetables, while “healthy” refers to the condition of a person.) The other is the Coffee Fest (which is big business in the world, but you all know that I will be sitting this one out—I hate coffee so much that I can’t even smell the stuff!!!)

A line to sample some good quality beef last year. Photo by Karen Salkin.

A line to sample some good quality beef last year. Photo by Karen Salkin.

In case you’ve missed my many past articles about the Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo, it is about so much more than just food! You’ll discover everything to do with restaurants there. It’s incredibly educational, especially if you’re looking to open your own establishment. The Expo features tableware, cutlery, all kinds of equipment, alcohol, cleaning services, signage, patio umbrellas, payroll services, aprons and chefs’ shoes, and even ovens! And so much more. You’ll learn about aspects of eateries that you’ve never even thought of!

And each of the three days has a whole line-up of special events, from cooking demonstrations by major chefs, to a battle of bartenders, to awards presentations, to educational talks, (including one entitled Mental Health and Wellness in Restaurants, which is sooo 2019! And so appreciated, especially by potential customers.)

This was the booth with my favorite color scheme last year. I seriously may paint my house to match it! Photo by Karen Salkin.

This was the booth with my favorite color scheme last year. I seriously may paint my house to match it! Photo by Karen Salkin.

There’s even a contest (of sorts) that yours truly is usually a judge for–Pitch The Press. I’ve done it every year except for one since its inception, but I don’t know about this time—I have to see how my early morning schedule goes! (It happens at 11AM, which is the crack of dawn for me!) But even if I do not help out this year, the vendors can always pitch this press (meaning me, along with my INAM team members who will be with me at the Expo,) because you know that we always apprise my readers of the latest culinary news. (The entire schedule of activities is listed on the website at the bottom of this preview.)

So, if you have anything to do with the restaurant scene in California (and beyond,) I highly recommend that you come to the LA Convention Center downtown any time on August 25-27. Since it’s happening later than usual this year, I’m even giving-up watching the first two days of my beloved US Open to be there, so that should tell you how important this Expo is!

I hope to see you all there, especially if you have anything to do with the cleanliness ratings system—boy, do I have a story for you! Come up and say hi, and we will discuss. (Just not while we’re sampling the food—it’s far from an appetizing tale.)

I’m really looking forward to the Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo this year—I love learning!!! And food, too of course.

For all the official information, and to register for the Expo, just click here: www.westernfoodexpo.com.


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