Oprah Winfrey is the third, and latest, liar to make me see red this month! She has not only exposed herself for not telling the truth, but she’s harming others with this compound whopper!
This creepy woman is so desperate to be attractive. To that end, she lies all the time. But this new one, about her not using, and then admittedly using, an unnamed weight loss drug is Oprah Winfrey’s biggest fabrication yet. And it’s a danger to the nincompoops who are still in the “cult of Oprah.”
So I’m here to break-down for you exactly the harm she’s causing. Sadly for me, I’ve recently been diagnosed with Type II diabetes, which means that I’ve become sort-of an expert on this class of drugs she’s lying about. So her creepy fictions chap my hide even more than her usual ones. Because of my own real health issues, I’ve looked into all the diabetes drugs. Quite immorally, many people are using them for weight loss, thus creating a shortage for the patients who really need them! (I’m taking the lowest dose of one to control my diabetes, and when my doctor first ordered it a couple of months ago, the big pharmacy I go to told me they don’t know if they can even get it for me because so many people in Los Angeles are using it for weight loss instead of for diabetes. How horrible of those selfish people.)
And none of the medications can be taken the way that lying Oprah says! You can’t just take them before you’re going to have a big meal, so that you gain less weight than you would otherwise!!! That is soooo dangerous to lie about that usage to the public.
She recently told People, “I now use [the weight loss drug] as I feel I need it, as a tool to manage not yo-yoing.” She said that she took the medication before Thanksgiving “because I knew I was going to have two solid weeks of eating. Instead of gaining eight pounds like I did last year, I gained half a pound.” I caution again—that is soooo not how you take these drugs!!!
On top of endangering people who may listen to her, just whom does she think she’s kidding??? She must feel that the people who actually still pay attention to her are idiots. Does she not know that some of them are diabetics themselves??? [Note: A couple of the new-ish drugs are approved for weight loss for people with obesity, but then Oprah would have to admit that she’s obese! And also admit that she does not use it sporadically.]
And she’s even lied about lying! Here’s the story of her conflicting weight loss lies: She showed up at some event recently looking like she weighed much less than her usual two-hundred-ish-pound self. I guess she had not been in the public eye for a while because many outlets wrote about her “shocking” forty pound weight loss. (And trust me—it takes many months of using one of these drugs very seriously, in a major dose, to lose that amount! It’s taken me over three months to lose just five pounds on one. So Oprah was probably also wearing industrial strength Spanx under her outfit when she displayed her new weight loss!!!)
Everyone knew she did it with drugs, as have so many people in show business, most of whom have admitted it, either because they believe in honesty or because they know that the public knows what’s up. Yet, Oprah stupidly denied it! She declared she would never use the drugs because that would be the “easy way out’.
Then she must have known that she was about to be outed because, just two days later, she all of a sudden admitted that she’s been taking a weight loss drug. But, to remind you, she compounded her lies by saying that she takes it only every now and then, just to not gain a lot of weight around the holidays!!! She’s pathetic.
I stress to everybody—you cannot take any of those drugs in that fashion! And I have been cautioned several times—by doctors and pharmacists—that you can’t just stop using it when you feel like it. I’ve actually been sick every day since I began, (in several ways, including being dizzy and nauseous, and having awful leg pain,) and have been begging to stop it now that it’s gotten my diabetes under control, but they’ve all told me that we would have to wean me off it very carefully and slowly. I repeat—you absolutely cannot take it the way that Oprah lied and said she did! Both shots and pills absolutely cannot be taken before a big meal to keep you from pigging out!!!
And just to let you know—when you do actually get off this class of meds, you supposedly gain it all back, sometimes double, so there’s no way that Oprah takes it just occasionally.
And she’s doing all this while she’s supposed to be an “ambassador” for Weight Watchers!!! How rotten and disloyal is she?! Weight Watchers should sue her lying ass. (But she’s most likely been lying all along about using their program, as well!)
By the way—I’m not the only one who thinks all this ill of Oprah. People on message boards, including many who admit that they’re “former fans,” are disgusted with her. One poster wrote, “Every time Winfrey opens her mouth, out comes another lie!,” to which others all said things like, “Spot on!” And, “Agree 100%!”
I don’t know why any of us are surprised, though. Oprah Winfrey has always lied about, and been obsessed with, her weight. And she has always declared that whatever size she is at the time is the right way to be. Do you remember that stupidity with the animal fat that she did on her former TV show all those years ago? She had lost weight, so she brought out a toy wagon filled with a plastic bag of the same amount of animal fat as what she had lost, to show us how nauseating it is! And then, within a few months, it was all back on her body, and then she said that was the healthy way to be! At one point, she even declared, “Fat is fabulous!”
Just three months ago, she was quoted as saying, “Shouldn’t we all just be more accepting of whatever body you choose to be in?”
Let’s face it—Oprah is awful-looking either way. She’ll never be good-looking, no matter how much money she has, (or facial surgery. But that’s yet another topic for her to lie about.) She’s always wanted to be pretty; being uber-rich and successful has never been enough for her. I think she’s basically a miserable person.
So, even if you’re someone who wants to lose yourself, please don’t believe a word Oprah Winfrey says on this topic. Speak to doctors, maybe even several of them, and then do what is right for you. Not everyone needs to be a skinny minnie, unless it’s for real, not pretend, health issues.
In these days, you devoted an entire column about your hatred for Oprah?
This is about her being a big fat liar, not at all my personal feelings for her. And, as I learned after I published my article, publications around the world are also letting the world know about her lies! Check them out.
It’s truly sad because there are so many people that look up to Oprah as if she were God they believe everything she says and she does, I’m not one of those people, She was so desperate to lose weight that she has resulted too This ridiculous Result, She has lied and Weight watcher fired her The sad part about this is there gonna be a lot of people that are gonna follow her and do the same thing that she’s doing And when the long-term effect start showing up and their nose starts falling off in their arms Or worse than that It’s the fact that they get all the fat back With many many health issues don’t misunderstand me I am overweight myself but I would never go to this extent to lose weight it is so sad when you have sold your so to the devil for vanity..
Oprah is such a fake.
Everything you said is exactly correct! I watched her dumb preachy show the other night, and I seriously think she did it because she read your article!
First of all, I’m all for people improving their health, which includes maintaining a normal and healthful weight.
But Oprah Winfrey has been lying and misleading her crazy followers for decades now. Her show last week was more of an infomercial, and so much less healthful that she had advertised. Shame on her!
I applaud you, Karen, for being one of the few entertianment reporters who do not pander to the “important people” who could ruin your career. This is all so true. And that creepy woman’s’ stupid show did nothing to help any of us!
People–please listen to your doctors and do your research on this and all healthcare topics! And do not listen to Oprah–she is a menace!