This coming Monday is actual Memorial Day, and I hope that you use at least part of that day to do what this holiday was designated for—to honor the country’s fallen military personnel.

But today, tomorrow, and Sunday are fair game for fun and activities. (Monday is, too, of course; I’m just suggesting that we all use a bit of the day to honor the fallen.)

16850338_GSince the word “memorial” is right there in the title of the holiday, I feel that it’s appropriate to also spend some time thinking about our own fallen. I think of my mother all the time, as I assume that many of you also do with your deceased loved ones. I even still talk to my little mo from time to time. (I do it mostly in my mind, of course, but a reputable New York psychic once told me that my mother told him that she wants me to “talk to her picture,” and I knew exactly which one she meant. So I brought it back to LA with me, put it up where she can “see” the TV, and I occasionally tell her something while looking at her smiling and happy image there. It really helps!)

So I’m hoping that having a day for the living to pay their respects to the dead will bring a modicum of peace to everyone.

This is just one of the zillion "flag cakes" on the internet; it's not the one from this baker I mention here.

This is just one of the zillion “flag cakes” on the internet; it’s not the one from this baker I mention here.

In the meantime, I literally just read the most idiotic thing about this topic, in the middle of writing this column! So I just had to share. A chef named Ina Garten posted on Instagram her idea of how to decorate a cake for the occasion, which is always appropriate and fun. Nothing wrong with that. But this is what she wrote to go along with the video of how to do that trimming: “Memorial Day is not just a day off from work; it’s a time to remember all the people that [sic—it should be “who,” not “that!”] sacrificed their lives serving our country. Isn’t a flag cake a great way to honor them? It’s big and dramatic and you can give everyone a piece to take home!” My problem is that she thinks a flag cake is “a great way to honor” the people who have given their lives for this country!!! Is she serious?! That is sooooo disrespectful. And inane. And just trying to make her talent something it isn’t.

She should have just said something like, “Here’s a fun decorating idea for the holiday.” But to make believe she’s showing a decorated cake to honor decorated war dead is disgraceful. The woman does appear to be popular on-line, so I’m hoping that means that she’s not usually this tactless.

Now that I’ve calmed down, let’s move on.

One of Mr. X's favorite pix of Karen Salkin, at a Memorial Day fair a few years ago. Photo by Mr. X.

One of Mr. X’s favorite pix of Karen Salkin, at a Memorial Day fair a few years ago. Photo by Mr. X.

So, in addition to honoring the dead, cooking, hosting friends, baking, and decorating, there’s always sooooo much to do on the three-day holiday front, both in and out of our abodes.

It’s a fun weekend to get outside for activities, such as swimming, barbecuing, hiking, and going to all kinds of fairs. The last one is my fave thing to do on the two summer holiday week-ends. For me, they signal both the beginning (Memorial Day) and ending (Labor Day) of summer.

If you choose to stay indoors for the next (or parts of) three or four days, (where I will be spending most of my time,) there’s, of course, sports-watching, (which I truly could do all day every day. And have, for this month since the NBA play-offs began!)

Then there’s always spring cleaning, finally having some quality chats with friends on the phone or Zoom, exercising, and maybe just catching-up on your sleep!

Speaking of catching-up on things, this is a great time to do just that with the columns in this e-zine that you may have missed, and perhaps my YouTube videos, as well! (Here’s the link to my YouTube channel:

My wish for all of us this week-end!

My wish for all of us this week-end!

I wish you all a happy, and especially safe, Memorial Day week-end. (And I beg of you to please not drink and drive—we don’t want you to be part of our remembrances next year.)



  1. Just noticed that woman’s stupid cake analogy. It’s made me think of other dumb things she could say that would be similar. Some are not good to share with anyone other than friends, whihc I will do, but here’s one: Isn’t a fetus cake a great way to discuss Roe v Wade?

    • Karen Salkin on

      I totally get it. One reader sent me a clever email saying, “Flag cake to honor the fallen?
      Would she make a twin tower cake to honor the fallen from 9/11? Geez…”

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