I’m fed-up at this point. Why do so many people think the Coronavirus situation rules do not apply to them??? Why are these idiots out of the house???

Before we go any further, here’s the link to my latest YouTube video, which I just shot yesterday (in captivity,) to explain it all. (It’s a short one, even though you should have all the time in the world to watch longer ones now!): www.youtube.com/watch?v=TErRPDkdbn8.

Idiots in Brentwood on March 20, 2020!!!  What is wrong with them???  The only people who should get the virus are morons like these. Photo by way of Anthony Turk.

Idiots in Brentwood on March 29, 2020!!! What is wrong with them??? The only people who should get the virus are morons like these. Photo by way of Anthony Turk.

And FYI, everyone—you are not safe in a store! Or on a line anywhere for anything! You’re taking your lives in your hands! And the lives of so many others, as well.

I understand that we all must get some essentials, mainly food and medicine, on occasion, but there is absolutely no need to go to multiple stores or do so multiple times. Get everything your need for the next month or so in one fell swoop! Dot, dash, end of story.

Even worse are the people who think that there’s no harm in them going to parks or beaches or trails. What about a government order to stay at home do these people not understand??? I’m incredulous at how widespread the stupidity is! Including to people I know.

A little bit of cleverness on Facebook.

A little bit of cleverness on Facebook.

Over the course of the past three weeks that I’ve been sequestered, I learned that some are making believe their companies are “essential services,” including one who helps people organize their houses. That’s totally non-essential at this time, (except to Mr. X, who’s constantly after me to clean-out my messes in the house, now that I have some time.)

Another great friend was complaining to me on the phone from another state that supermarket workers where she is located were not wearing gloves, so she made a big fuss to the manager. And she told me this from…a pool at a golf club!!!

Idiots in Florida.  (And they're not even the worst!)

Idiots in Florida. (And they’re not even the worst!)

And yet another pal, whom I adore, called me from…her car place! She thought this would be a good time to get a not-at-all-necessary oil change!!! She lives with very elderly parents, (they’re akin to Aged P in Great Expectations,) but thinks that washing her hands and “being careful” is good enough.

Wise up, people—it is not!!! What is a tiny sacrifice of staying home, even for a month or more, compared to endangering yourself and those around you, especially your very own loved ones?! I don’t get that mentality at all.

I haven’t even so much as walked down the block since I got home from a party almost three weeks ago! And that was over a week before we were told to isolate!  I’m no fool. It’s hard for my bon vivette self to be at home for so long, but I’d rather stay alive.  Life will get hectic again for all of us soon enough.  (More on that in one of next week’s columns.)

Someone else wrote this on Facebook, but it just as easily could have been Mr. X!  (Only he would have been smart enough to use capitals and correct punctuation!)

Someone else wrote this on Facebook, but it just as easily could have been Mr. X! (Only he would have been smart enough to use capitals and correct punctuation!)

So listen, everyone—please try your darnedest to be good people. Stay home. Do not venture out at all. I don’t understand how anyone doesn’t have emergency food in their homes, even if it’s not their preferred items. I don’t even really cook, yet we have enough to get through a month without having to go to a store. I’m just desperate for an onion right now, and some blueberries and treats, but we’ll get by with what we have.

I also don’t understand the boredom people are complaining that they’re experiencing. I haven’t been bored for even one tiny second in my house. I’m floored that people can’t read a book or talk on the phone or watch TV or clean or organize or cook or sleep or…anything! What is wrong with everybody?! Everyone usually complains about having to get of bed early to go work their asses off all day, so buck up already and enjoy this forced-upon-us staycay! (Unless you’re really desperate for money. That’s an entirely different scenario.)

And, if you are bored, I’m here to help! This is a good time to finally catch-up on all of my YouTube videos!!! They should be especially entertaining to all the viewers of my former TV show, who ask me all the time to resurrect my show. (These vids are a bit different from the show in that they’re a lot shorter and have no audience. But I expect that you’ll still enjoy them.)

To start you off, here’s that link to my latest one again, which has an amusing parable to the current situation: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TErRPDkdbn8. From there, you can find them all, or just subscribe to my channel to make it easier on you.

And finally, as a Winnie the Pooh adorer, this took me by surprise, and made me laugh the hardest this week.

And finally, as a Winnie the Pooh adorer, this took me by surprise, and made me laugh the hardest this week.

One last note: My whole life, people have told me that I’m psychic, which I, too, have always felt that I am. Things in that category happen to me all the time. Here are two that pertain to what we’re all living through right now. The first one is that a couple of months ago, out of the blue, I mentioned to Mr. X that we had enough food staples to get through a few months, if, God forbid, we had to. And then just a few weeks later, we started finding-out how true that statement was!

And here’s this even more prescient one: I always begin writing my columns early, before I even live the events, even if it’s just numbering, dating, and titling them. If there’s specific info, like how long a play is running and where, I put that in, too. And if I have a little personal story that goes with the review, I work on it at that time. It always makes me feel more productive to be a tad ahead of the game. And it’s easier to write a review when it’s actually already been started. But just a few weeks before we started learning of the life-altering Coronavirus, I stopped doing all that, for the first time in my baker’s dozen years of writing!!!  I just had a bad feeling.  I told myself to wait to see if all my upcoming events, (which were a lot, and ones I was really looking forward to, as well!,) really happened. And then, just a few weeks later, they all started getting cancelled.

So now we all really need me to have a good premonition! Wait–I can tell you one right now! Here it is: this world will start healing if…you all stay the frig in your own houses!!! Help me see if I’m correct.



  1. Please consider doing daily vlogs while we’re all in isolation. We all miss Karen’s Restaurant Revue, so maybe you can give us some relief with some of your wonderful videos.

  2. I am soooooooooooooooooo over people thinking “it won’t happen to me” or “it’s just the flu” IT IS NOT! IT IS DEADLY! My cousin is a PA at a hospital in Queens. It is a HORRIBLE situation. People are so friggin’ dumb. Seriously. I HATE staying home, yet I’ve been in for two weeks – once a week I go food shopping EARLY and if someone is in the aisle I want to go down, I wait until they are done. PRECAUTIONS PEOPLE.

    I could rant more however it just pisses me off.

    GREAT column! PREACH IT!
    One more rant: can someone tell Megan that COVID19 is a lot more important than anything she could possibly say or do or where she moved to.

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